April Meeting Reminder

Just a reminder of April 14 meeting and program. Darrell Hill will be leading us in a discussion on the "Unveiling of the 1940 Census". The meeting will begin at 1:00 pm in the lower meeting room of the Columbia Gorge Discovery Center. Join us for a no host lunch in the Basalt Cafe at Noon. Public and guests are welcome.
 The census is due to be released on the 2nd of April on Ancestry and the NARA 1940 Census site.
 I think everyone is looking forward to this event. The links are posted below so you won't miss a thing. Good luck on renewing your research!


Thank You Earline!

After many years with our society Earline is moving to sunnier climates to be nearer her daughter. She has served our society in many ways over the years as an officer, newsletter editor, committee chair, and presenter but in my mind her principal legacy is the effort she led to bring attention to the needs of Pioneer Cemetery.

Through her leadership members spent many hours clearing limbs, grass and trash. Several gravesites were discovered in the southern portion of the cemetery where Vinca vines had created a thick sod and vegetative cover. Hours of research led to a complete listing of all who are buried in Pioneer Cemetery and compilation of material found into a society publication. Her dedication to this project and other contributions to our society were recognized with a certificate of appreciation from the WA State Genealogical Society in 2007
After several years of fundraising the project culminated in May 2010 with a new metal fence and entry to the site and the dedication of a memorial stone with the names of all those interred in the cemetery.
Travel well Earline! And THANK YOU for all you have done for our society. We all know you will keep busy in Arizona. Keep us posted when you find the time.

 A community farewell and to thank her for her years of volunteer service will be held on March 31, 2012 at the Methodist Church from 1-4pm. Refreshments will be served.  No gifts please. A book donation to a local elementary school would be appreciated. Contact: Bob McNary 541-296-3313 or Renee Briggs 509-767-2316.

Finding Your Roots on OPB/PBS, starts this Sunday..........

A new genealogy program produced by PBS will start this Sunday March 25 on OPB, Channel 10. It copy's the same format as Who do You Think You Are. Again it will have celebrities on world wide searches to discover their family histories.  The program begins at 8:00 pm after Antiques Road Show. Check you stations for the correct time in your area.


Washington County Oregon Heritage Online

The recent launch of Washington County Heritage Online (WCHO) allows visitors to access thousands of photographs chronicling Washington County's rich history. The site, located at washingtoncountyheritage.org , is a collaborative effort between the Pacific University Library and the Washington County Museum, with support from the Institute of Museum and Library Services. The project encourages increased collaboration between libraries, museums, historical societies, educational entities and cultural organizations.

Initial image galleries include Pacific University's class of 1878, historic looks at Forest Grove and Hillsboro, images of the area's Native American heritage, and the growing Latino community. Centro Cultural, an organization focused on Latino culture in Washington County, has contributed more than 800 images thus far.

Designed to house many more collections from the county's vast network of public libraries, cultural and historical organizations, the site allows access to the area’s many collections physically housed in different locations. For more information about WCHO, contact Zaborowski at lindsay.prescott@pacificu.edu .

Submitted by Jim Bull

Obituary publishing standards, are they gone???

Recently our local newspaper set a new criteria on publishing obituaries. They state that economical problems does not afford the added space.  The public is not happy with the new agenda. Stating its cold and uninformative, citizens feel that only money is the issue and that the lives of deceased community members have been compromised. The following link will take you to the detailed page that was published.


The Northwestern University Readership Institute has published guidelines and examples from the top 100 newspapers on what the best practices are on publishing obituaries. Its a good read and the practices are outstanding!!!


The society will be having a program July 14 on 'How do you want to be remembered? This program will be covering writing your own obituary, publishing a biography and family history self publishing among other topics.

Submitted by Georga Foster

Join a Facebook Research Community!

FamilySearch has added specialized communities on Facebook for your genealogy research. The links cover all the states plus international links as well. Ask questions, input inquiries and meet others researching the same area.


Women's History Month - WWII photos

The following site would be great for anyone who had a relative - especially female relative - involved in the production of aircraft or other jobs supporting the war effort 1940-1945.

The site is Russian but the images are American and the captions are in English. It takes a while to load the fantastic color pictures taken by the Office of War Information.
Some of these images are 70 years old and look as fresh as ever. They would make great images to go along with written stories about what mom or grandma (or dad and grandpa) did during the war. If someone had told any of the subjects in these photos that we'd have such a clear look at them in the year 2012... boggles the mind. Thought you'd find this interesting!
And the best thing is that many of the individuals and specific locations in the pictures are identified. Someone might actually find their relative in one.
Thank You Jim Bull for sending this link, the photos are amazing!

Meeting Reminder

The next meeting of the Columbia Gorge Genealogical Society will be March 10 at 1:00 pm in the Discovery Centers downstairs meeting room. Our speaker will be Terri Earl and she will be giving a program , "National Genealogical Society Home Study Course or How I Spent my Summer Learning to Search for Dead Ancestors". This will be a very informative program. Join us at Noon for a no host lunch in the Basalt Cafe. Public is invited and guests are always welcome.

Facebook page BUSY!

Lots of new addys to our Facebook page. New links to area museum's, genealogy sites and comments from our members and guests.


 Also, our main web page has been updated. Download the latest issue of our quarterly newsletter!


March is National Womens History month

March is National Women's History month. We have compiled several links to sites that provide an insight to the accomplishments and the historical events that all women share today.

National Women's History Project:


Library of Congress:


Museum of Women's History:


32 days to the 1940 census release!!