River Festival

Dear Local History Folks,

We have been invited to take part in the Reconnect to the River Festival, which will take place at the new Lewis & Clark Park on Saturday, October 6th. This is all coming together on very short notice, but we hope that you will make the effort to take part. This will give us an opportunity to showcase and show off our local historical heritage. If we want to be part of the current vision of what makes The Dalles unique, we have to make it happen. HISTORY SHINES

To facilitate your participation, we have reserved a series of booths, made arrangements for tables, and assistance with set up. What we need from you is a commitment to participate by reserving a half or full booth, or by arranging for another organization to monitor your materials.

We need all of our historical organizations to participate in some manner. HISTORY LIVES

We envision a history row with as many of our history organizations represented as possible. We will also have the Fort Dalles Floozies in residence, and as many of our volunteers in historical costume as possible. We are also making arrangements for demonstrations . HISTORY ROCKS

Here is a list of what we would like to see in your booth:



Membership information

Visuals telling about your organization

Sales items pertinent to your venue

Booth volunteers

Period costuming

Attached you will find the event participation application. There is a $25.00 fee per organization*, which we were not able to have waived; however, it is possible to have the insurance requirement waived. We will also need to know your space requirements and if you need electrical hook ups. We will also contact you personally and answer your questions. HISTORY IS….



Wasco County Historical Society

Original Wasco County Courthouse

Fort Dalles Museum

St. Peter’s Landmark

Wasco County Pioneer Association

School District 21 Museum

Columbia Gorge Discovery Center

Columbia Gorge Genealogical Society

The Dalles Mural Society

Dufur Historical Society

Civic Auditorium

Fire Department Museum

The Dalles Walking Tours

Klindt’s Bookstore

Recap Researching With City Directories

Fourteen of us had a lively afternoon listening to Lorna and Sandy share information about what to expect and not to expect in using city directories. I think everyone was surprised at how far back in time directories go in our English speaking world, and that the first ever accounting of people, land, and animals in England goes back to 1085 when William I (William the Conquerer) sent census takers throughout the kingdom to count everything in sight and record it in Latin. We also learned how Atlases, Gazetteers, and Directories interweave to create the documents we call City Directories. Coming soon to a library near you will be a list of the Wasco County/The Dalles Directory holdings in both the William Dick Library and the Dalles/Wasco County Library, as well as ways of accessing other local directories. Finally we were reminded that the best place to start looking for City Directories is in the location for which they were printed.