The Very Best Research List!!! By Kathrine Willson Acclaimed Genealogist and Lecturer

If you haven't heard of Katherine Willson's research list on Facebook you are missing out on a fabulous resource. 
Katherine is a acclaimed professional genealogist and lecturer that has compiled a 11,200 link and growing research list on Facebook. 
You probably don't want to print it out ( its in PDF form) it amounts to 328 printed pages organized extremely well and is self searchable. 
Katherine's web  site is great too !
You will find the links to both below:

Need some technical help or learn a new program??

(Make Use Of)

Thomas MacEntee recently posted a article on his Facebook page about a great site called MakeUseOf.Com. This site is a collaborative authors site for technological instruction on how to use Apps, internet, IPhones , Television tech and pretty much everything HOW-TO in that area. 

His post specifically referred to the use of Google Forms and how to use it . The link to that page is below but check out the rest of the site too. 
There is also several sections related to Genealogy research. 



Rootsweb changing in November

According to Ancestry in a business post, they will be rejuvenating Rootsweb by November 8, 2017. 
The site has not been maintained very well for some years and Ancestry will be reorganizing and removing a few features which have not been kept up to date . Recently you may have noticed advertising has been added to their site. For more information please visit Rootweb. 

Genealogical Forum Of Oregon On-line Catalog

If you haven't visited GFO website in a while, you will be amazed at the new on-line catalog.
A great search experience for history and genealogical materials to help you in your family history
research. All levels of research will enjoy the format . Links to how to use the catalog and a basic guide to publication materials is included on the main page.