March General Meeting And Program

The next general meeting and program for CGGS will be March 10, 2018  in the downstairs meeting room at Columbia Gorge Discovery Center starting at 10:30. 
This months program will be " Reviewing Updated Genealogical Websites" and will be led by Linda Colton and Georga Foster. The purpose of the program is to update important information about popular genealogical research sites
that have changed in content, format or information.  Among the websites that will be covered are Find-A-Grave, Ancestry, RootsWeb and  FamilySearch .  An important change in Family Tree Maker will also be presented. 
Members are encouraged to bring their laptops and Bring A Friend! Our general meeting/programs are open to the public and a recommended  $1.00 donation to defray room rental costs is gladly excepted. 

Special events in March for CGGS

CGGS announces two special genealogy events in March along with the White Salmon Library. 
A family program will be held March 3, 2018 at the library called "Climb Your Family Tree" for ages 8 to 108. also on March 31, "Unlock Your Past, A genealogy Workshop" will be held along with library staff and CGGS members to help begin your journey to your family history. 
For questions or more information call Diane Barkhimer at 509.493.3775 or the White Salmon Library at 509.493.1132.