June meeting and program - Linda Colton - "Tips from the Tech"


What's New!

The CGGS June meeting and program on June 8, 2019 will feature "Tips from the Tech"  with Linda Colton as presenter. Linda is  a family history librarian in the Family History Library in Hood River and will be updating us on the latest genealogy news from RootsTech  and from FamilySearch. 


This is is a extension program for the beginning class that was held in April.  Anyone that attended that class will benefit  greatly by Linda's presentation. 

The meeting and program will begin at 10:30 in the downstairs classroom in the Columbia Gorge Discovery Center. 
Public Welcome ! Bring a friend!
      A  $1.00 donation is suggested to offset room rental. 

Have You Seen It?? The Genealogy Squad!

The Genealogy Squad!

Much to see at a new genealogy Facebook page that started last week by Cyndi Engle, 
Blaine Bettinger, Drew Smith and George Morgan ( The Genealogy Guys). 
The reviews are awesome and it's FREE!

The "squad" covers all topics of genealogy and have a huge following in just one week on Facebook. 
Members from all over the world have joined in with questions and comments and a true collaboration has taken place with this fantastic group site.

Join and be amazed of what you can learn!

Happy researching!



Register now! Registration closes May 11, 2019

Looking forward to a great workshop with
Pam Vestal!

Seating limited, register now!
Door Prizes!
Registration form on right side of blog page