Hood River County Historical Museum

For the October 8th meeting and program, CGGS members and guests met at the Hood River Historical Museum. The day started with the board meeting and then a break for lunch. Members brought sack lunches and ate outside in the park area. The weather was very cooperative with sunshine and NO WIND!

After lunch we were given a short presentation from Casey Housen, the educational and volunteer coordinator at the museum on the resources and the expansion and remodel of the museum. Besides a structural changes there will be a large database in place for  research. The database will be from records that have been stored at the museum and from individuals and families that have supplied the information. Other resources that are available now is a  18x24 scanner which individuals may utilize by bringing  their pictures and newspaper copies and have them scanned for $15.00 fee. Research is available through the museum for the price of admission when you come to the museum in person. Other research is available by the staff for a $25.00 an hour fee.

 The expansion of the museum is in a five part plan, future projects depend on grants and fundraising projects. The museum has put online a gallery of historical pictures from Hood River County and is expected to expand its online historical data in the future. For any information on the Hood River County Museum, call the museum at 541-396-6772. The museum will be closing on November 8, 2011 and starting their renovation project and reopen in the spring of 2012. The museums historical photo gallery can be viewed by going to their website at http://www.co.hood-river.or.us/index.asp?Type=B_BASIC&SEC={AB6F9DD2-60F9-4F52-B449-684E6BD6505F} and clicking on Hood River Historical Photo blog.

Museum volunteer Casey Housen

CGGS members Jim Bull, Helen Dixon, Mary Watts, Sandy Bisset, Fred Henchell