Happy New Year! Resolutions and our first program............

Its time to make our genealogical resolutions. Who and what brick wall am  I going to break this year? Thinking about doing a self published book on the family? How about a road trip to the cemeteries and areas for which your ancestors lived. Now is the time to plan.

The program on Jan. 14 is called ‚Genealogy Jar‛. New program chair Sandy will have grabbed random genealogical related thoughts as they have flitted through her mind since our last meeting and written them on slips of paper. She will bring them to the meeting in a jar, out of which each of us will have a chance to draw a slip. The drawee will have one minute to think and then up to three minutes to talk on the subject. The answer might be a question, random gibberish, or contain a real clue to breaking a stone wall, but no matter which, it should be lots of fun. Also there will be some door prizes in the jar, so miss out out on winnning a prize!