My name is BRICK WALL. Nobody much likes me but I would love a good home.
My current owner wants to get rid of me by raffling me off at the genealogy
workshop in July. She thinks 25 cents a chance is all I’m worth. Of course I
disagree but she says that would give more people more chances. She also says
the money would pay for the door prizes and make a little money for the
society. I mean really, who would want a butterfly net or bazooka bubble gum
anyway. She thinks we could even hit up the people who aren’t coming to the
workshop. I think that’s a bit cheeky but what do I know. She got permission
from the boss to have the raffle and took this picture of me to show how cute I
am. She says I get to have my picture on the blog. What a deal. She says she
really has a problem with brick walls so it’s time for me to move on. Please
buy lots of tickets and maybe I can go home with you. I bet you are really
nice. For more information contact Sandy at 541-298-1240 or