July Workshop Highlights

Our July Personal Journaling class was wildly successful.
Twenty one participants and facilitator Sandy Bisset spent the day putting
together a tool box for recording and documenting their own personal histories
using photographs, artwork, and lists as well as other memory jogs to create a
personal journal that can be both informational and fun to create. Guest
speaker, Sally Zuck McBain, introduced us to her book, Soul Portraits,
which describes a process for recording important information about
ourselves, for ourselves, our descendants, and primarily for our care givers if
we are incapacitated. We had a cross section of community members and genealogy
members from throughout the Gorge, including two participants from Condon.
Barbara Pashek got everyone registered and name tagged, Mary Davis and Brick
Wall entertained us with the raffle ticket sale, and Teddy Parkinson recorded
the event in pictures. Everyone wrote detailed evaluations which will help in
fine tuning the class so it will be even more successful the next time around.