March Program Recap - Lois Smith


meeting Saturday was great fun. In
addition to our members we had several members of the Retired Teachers
Association in attendance. Lois kept us
entertained and enthralled as she wove the stories of her mother and one room
school houses through a series of vintage photographs of school houses and
children. She emphasized the community nature
of the local schools and the varied activities that took place from church
services to dances and picnics. She also pointed out that the day usually
started out with the Pledge of Allegiance and a prayer and that the students had
chores at school, lessons, and drank from the same dipper.
She set up a
display table which included many school related ephemera items including the
authentic slates on which Russ’s parents had learned to write. Several audience members participated in
“show and tell.�? The unexpected grand
finale came when Mark held up his brand new tablet and the vintage slate. They are both the same size which shows that
good ideas are timeless. Lois also shared her research processes and provided a handout to the audience. If you need a copy let Sandy